Acupuncture for anxiety
Acupuncture has been used to treat a range of mental-emotional concerns for thousands of years. Acupuncture for anxiety has been the subject of many modern studies that have shown that acupuncture is more effective than pharmacotherapy (antidepressants). Acupuncture can also work alongside drug therapy.
Anxiety can manifest in several ways. You may struggle to be in social situations, and suffer from palpitations, insomnia or panic attacks. Focus at work may have become difficult and you may feel overwhelmed most of the time. You may be able to track this back to one event or it may have built up over time. It could be linked to long term stress, trauma or grief.
How does Acupuncture for anxiety work?
Acupuncture seeks to understand the root cause of your anxiety, including your triggers, and where it manifests in the body. A full medical history will be taken, I will ask to see your tongue and will feel your pulses to reach your unique diagnosis. A tailored set of points will be created and the treatment itself is very relaxing.
Often suggestions to changes in diet and lifestyle will be made to support your treatments.